Did you know? Big Easy Podcast was born from the realization that the wealth of content recorded during New Orleans Entrepreneur Week (NOEW) was too valuable not to share. We thought, “This should be available to everyone—especially those who couldn't attend NOEW!”

New Orleans Entrepreneur Week unites innovators & visionaries to explore, learn, and connect throughout this impactful week in the spirit of innovation x culture.

In 2024, NOEW recorded 5,400 registrants & 3,000 attendees over six days at 27 venues.

Attendees can expect to immerse themselves in an array of focused business content and excitement spread across diverse programming, including panels, sessions, summits, pitches, networking, partner events, and more!

will happen on March 24 - 29, 2025!

also produces the “Founders’ Journeys” series.

In 2024, a stage was dedicated to founders sharing their stories. Diverse topics were shared, including highlights like 'My Miracle on Bourbon Street,' 'Faith of a Founder,' and 'Market Disruptor: A Brief Discourse from a Black American Brewmaster,' among many others.